Hello I am Lillian Paris

Full-Stack Web Developer

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The movie-eaters application allows its users to use their time more efficiently during a movie night out. This application utilizes the MovieGlu API to provide users with a variety of options to chose from.

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Work Day Scheduler

This calender application helps its users manage their time more efficiently, alongside the demands of a busy schedule. This application color codes activies based on past, present and future tasks also allowing the user to save their activities to view at a later time.

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Password Generator

This application serves to create a better sense of security for password keeping. Employers want interactive pages that are also secure and user friendly, this page is meant to showcase the creators javascript knowledge and logic.

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Invitor +

This applications allows its users to plan and post activities. Invitor + utilizes API's, displaying daily activities to users, allowing them to share with others as well as creating their own activities.

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Note Taker

This application is designed for users that need to keep track of a lot of information. It can be easy to forget or be unable to recall inportant information. Being able to take persistent notes allows users to have written information when needed.

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Team Profile Generator

Building a Node CLI One of the most important aspects of programming is writing code that is readable, reliable, and maintainable. Oftentimes, how we design our code is just as important as the code itself. In this homework assignment, your challenge is to build a Node CLI that takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. Since testing is a key piece in making code maintainable, you will also be ensuring that all unit tests pass.

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